What Future Holds for Infographics

What Future Holds for Infographics

Have you ever asked yourself this question:

Are Infographics dead? Or will it die someday?

What Future Holds for Infographics

In the past few years, we witnessed a phenomenon named Infographics.

People use and talk about infographics everywhere as if they are the only life saver for those who want to drive more traffic and revenue (and they are actually).

However, those are the old days.

Infographics have become an out-dated method of data visualization.

We now have more visually appealing, effective, story-telling agents.

Let’s discuss about these new agents in our visual marketing issue this week.

#1: Interactive Infographics

As responsive design and HTML5 become popular, the door for interactivity is opened for infographics. Interactive infographics bring new experience to readers via fun, engaging and interactive look.

• Interactive infographics increase more traffic to your website than static infographics as people have to visit your website to see the infographic.
• Interactive infographics may not attract more social engagement compared to static ones as viewers have to leave the social platforms to access the webgraphic. Some examples of interactive infographics:

#2: Animated Infographics

Animated infographics when done right can represent complex topics and tell great stories to your readers. They are informative, fun and sometimes touching.

#3: Gif Infographics or Gifographics

Last but not least is Gifographics.

Many of us suffer from infographic fatigue, tired of seeing yet another piece of design content that could have just as easily been summarized in a simple list, hitting the web every hour. Sam Laird

Gifographics are not only interesting but they actually move and make it easier for human to absorb any complex topic.

Top Picks this Week from THE SEEN – Visual Inbound Issue 007

Each week, we sort through the huge pile of latest news in visual inbound marketing, social media and technology and select the most trending, informative pieces for you.

And here is visual inbound issue of this week:

Visual Marketing & Social Media

Marketing Technology & Tools

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