We value our contributors and the content they have contributed to make this site grow as well as help other marketers in our community. However, in order to maintain the quality of content provided on our site, we require that our contributors have to follow these guidelines when writing for us.

  • We only accept posts from individual bloggers and/or marketers with clear bio and portrait photos. If you’re a brand looking to expand your reach, please join in our Brand Channels Program.
  • We only accept regular contributors with a minimum contribution of one article per month over the course of six months.
  • When applying to become our contributors, please indicate your areas of expertise and topics you will be covering.
  • In addition to your areas of expertise, please include three links to your previously published articles, your website URL and/or any social media URLs.
  • All posts submitted must be unique, informative with 3 – 5 visual ads. Ideally your posts must be a minimum of 1,200 words per post. Please take a look at this post for some idea on how your post should look like.
  • You can only have one do follow link to your business website in the bio. All links in your post (if any) should point to specific blog posts that are relevant and add value to the post.
  • All images used in the post have to be optimized for faster loading. We suggest you use TinyPNG however you can use whatever tool appropriate.
  • If you submit infographics, your intro content should be a minimum of 550 words.
  • Posts submitted can not be re-published elsewhere.
  • We reserve the rights to remove, modify, or use the content you submitted for promotional purpose.

By becoming our contributors, you’re free to submit content that lives up to your creativity and expertise.

As long as your content is educative marketing stuff that really helps others, you can go as wildly as you are. Be yourself, share your knowledge and build your reputation.

Please log into your account, go to Posts and open Calendar to have a glance look at how our editorial calendar goes. You can fill in your content on the date of your choice and our editors will get it published for you. It’s super easy and free. In case you don’t know what to write, look for our unscheduled draft content on the right and pick one that you feel interested and shoot us an email and we’ll get it assigned to you.

Editorial Calendar

OK, now get started writing. Someone out there is looking for the expertise and knowledge that you have. And your content is going to help make someone’s life a whole lot easier. Just reach out!

We have a Brand Channels Program for companies to expand their reach, increase brand awareness, drive more traffic and generate more sales. Please visit our Brand Channels page for more info.