How to Rebrand Your Website, Social Media Accounts, and More

Business owners often have to deal with existing problems, including a possible company identity crisis. Once that happens, you may not be able to create more profits or attract more audience. Your competition will take over the market, and you will have to make drastic changes if you want to stay in the game. One of the best ways to address the identity crisis is to invest in rebranding. 

However, keep in mind that rebranding is much more than changing the company's name. You will have to work hard with your team to change the core values, establish a new company culture and find a new marketing strategy that will promote it. Rebranding your website and social media account is not easy, but it's essential if you want to get back on track and start earning more from regular business transactions. 

Setup domain on hosting provider

Setting up the new domain is one of the first things you need to do. You can get a free domain or purchase one for a low price. Don't forget to check whether the name you want to purchase is available. If not, try to find alternatives or rearrange the words. Your domain name must be a reflection of your company's name. If you can't find other relevant options, try to buy the domain you want from the current owners. 

Create a copy of your website

If you want to set up a new website, you should start from scratch. However, if you still like the layout, and you only need to make minor changes, you should clone it. You can create a copy by backing up files and databases and transfer the whole package to the new web hosting provider. 

This option is a lot faster and cheaper than creating a new website. Website cloning will allow your web designers to make some changes on your new website without the need to start writing code from scratch. Some programmers do not support this as an option, but as long as you can save money and time, you should embrace it. 

Invest in changes

Once you change your brand name and personality, you will have to make some other modifications as well. Allow your developers and designers to make essential layout changes, and consider changing the website content as well. Your clients and customers want to see something new, and if you want your business to flourish, it's your job to deliver. 

Analyze customer engagement and determine what they used to like the most about your older website or social media account. If you can still create that type of content for your audience, you should use it as your advantage. Hire a social media manager and try to create a connection between your website and social media accounts. That way, your followers will learn about the website, and your visitors will be able to find you on various platforms as well. 

Update your tools

Some business owners use a lot of tools and programs to measure the experience and engagement on their website. If your team uses similar tools or programs, it's time to update them and find better options. Some of them are free, but it wouldn't be bad to invest in better equipment. Hire someone who knows how to handle these operations, and if you want to avoid problems in the future, don't allow unqualified employees to manage website changes and updates.

Redesign everything

The best part of the website and social media rebranding is getting the opportunity to create a new design that will highlight your company's values and products. 

One of the first things you need to do after you change the name is to change the logo. Find a designer that will manage to create a logo that goes well with your new company’s name. Add the logo on the main page on your website and ensure that your audience on social media can see the new creation as well. Start using a new set of colours, or change the website theme, because that's one of the easiest ways to highlight changes and improvement. Professional corporate headshots at the bottom of the main page will complete the look, and your audience will love them because they will always find a way to form a connection with a smiling face on the screen.

Recommended: 8 Signs It’s Time to Redesign Your Website

Don't make sudden changes, and allow your audience to adapt

People can negatively react to improvements if you don't find a way to present your transition. Rebranding requires a constant update on your website and all social media platforms. The last thing you want is your clients to be resistant to change, which is why it's vital to inform them about the rebranding process. Explain why you need to do it and how's that going to affect your company and clients. Highlight the benefits of rebranding that will affect both for you and your customers and try to spread the word on all your social media accounts. Instead of forcing change, tell your rebranding story and ask for feedback and support during this transition. Your audience will be more than happy to respond, and you will be able to gather useful information that may serve you well later. 


Business owners who believe that they need to invest in improvement should consider branding as one of the best options. Give your brand a new personality and style, and it will be easier to reach your target audience faster and improve the cash flow. Rebranding is not easy, and if you want to make permanent changes that will improve your performance, make sure to hire professionals that will turn your ideas into reality. 

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