Mobile App Marketing Funnel: What Marketers Need to Know [Infographic]

For decades, marketers have followed the stages and tactics associated with the traditional marketing funnel. This funnel is a model that breaks down the various stages of a customer’s journey with a particular product or company, and was originally developed back in 1898. The funnel begins with leads entering a stage of general awareness, and ends with those leads converting into customers.

But as marketing efforts have shifted to focus on digital and mobile efforts, the original marketing funnel concept has had to shift as well. The mobile marketing funnel represents the new and modern customer journey, which is much less simple and has become more complex and individualized. By understanding how to properly reach customers with mobile strategies and tactics, businesses have an opportunity to stay competitive in overly saturated markets. It is certainly not a one-size-fits-all system, and marketers must recognize this and remain nimble to retain their customers.

The team at CleverTap put together this guide on the stages and tactics of the mobile app marketing funnel, and ways that marketers can capitalize on each.  

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