Mobile Marketing Lessons from Sending 40 Billion Push Notifications [Infographic]

Push Notifications are pop-up messages that appear on the mobile lock screen sent directly from a mobile application installed on the device. What separates these messages from the standard SMS text is the free will to opt-in or opt-out to receiving these. People decide to opt-in based on the perceived value they can expect to receive from these messages. What can be done to increase the chances your users will opt-in and continue to engage your push notifications?

After analyzing 40 billion push notifications, CleverTap has discovered industry, time, and user-specific open rate statistics. Depending on the industry your mobile application serves, you can expect varying push notification open rates and user engagement. If you are serving the business/finance industry, for example, the average open rate is 5.46 percent and that turns out to be the highest across all industries in this study.

One key takeaway from this report is the time of day most push notifications are sent compared to when average click-through-rates are highest. Few companies take advantage of the delivery window between 7 am and 8 am which has an elevated click-through rate. Learn more about how to implement relevancy, personalization, and actionability within your mobile push notification marketing efforts.

push notification marketing tips to increase mobile app engagement

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