5 Visual Storytelling Tips to Fill the Top of Sales Funnel

5 Visual Storytelling Tips to Fill the Top of Sales Funnel

Every new customer begins with the flow of leads into the top of your sales funnel. The more leads you fill the funnel, the more customers you will likely generate. As an inbound marketer, you should know how to leverage the power of visual communications to attract and educate more leads over the time.

5 Visual Storytelling Tips to Fill the Top of Sales Funnel

Following are 5 visual storytelling tips to drive more traffic to your website and fill the top of your sales funnel.

#1: Add more visuals to your existing content

It goes without saying that blog is considered a primary method to attract leads to your website via social sharing and organic traffic.

Adding visuals to your blog posts can increase your credibility and make your personality shine through.

Turning ordinary blog posts into images, slideshows, infographics or video is a great idea too.

#2: Turn white papers into a series of infographics

If white papers help you build thought leadership, infographics add personal touch to them and make your brand more authentic. And best of all, infographics drive you more traffic which can be turned into qualified leads for your business.
#3: Turn case studies into video testimonials

Videos work like a charm when it comes to traffic generation. Instead of boring case studies with little to no visuals on your website, shooting video testimonials can help you build trust and authority.

#4: Use explainer videos to talk about your services, how it works, etc

Long are the days when you use long-form, text-heavy pages to explain your services and what you can do for your potential clients.

Videos are on the rise.

A well-crafted explainer video breaks complicated topics into simple, easy-to-understand components with eye-catching visuals and animations helping you connect and deliver your message to the heart of your audience.

Posts with videos
#5: Visualize your social media channels

Your prospects get bombarded with boring text-based updates all the time, why don’t you stand out with creative, funny pictures or images?

Get your creativity to work and wow your audience with visual social posts and updates.

The bottom line? You’ll get more shares, likes, comments and referring traffic for your content marketing efforts.

Visual content drives engagement

Top Picks this Week from Visual Contenting

Each week, we sort through the huge pile of latest news in visual inbound marketing, social media and technology and select the most trending, informative pieces for you.

And here is visual inbound issue of this week:

Visual Marketing & Social Media

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