How to Leverage AI in Customer Success

How to Leverage AI in Customer Success

In the past two decades we have seen more advances in technology than in the past hundred and this does not seem as though it will stop any time soon. This is because with every new innovation we find something wrong with it which sparks the next innovation, creating a cycle of ever-increasing developments. One of the greatest and most feared developments in technology is the word "Artificial Intelligence". For this reason in this article we will be discussing what artificial intelligence (AI) is, and how it can be leveraged to have success with your customers.

What Is AI?

By definition, artificial intelligence is the application of technology such as algorithms to create an "intelligent agent" which is able to understand, see, and take actions within its given environment towards a task or goal. When we think of artificial intelligence the vision that most often comes to mind is that of a bunch of humanoid robots taking over the world. Though this image has been popularized by the media and Hollywood, it is unlikely that it will happen, and if it were to happen, it would happen because of a very large human mistake.

How to Leverage AI in Customer Success

Current AI are basically algorithms inside of a computer that know they are an algorithm and can "think" on their own to optimize themselves to whatever needs to be done. So how are these AI used in business to achieve customer success? Well, there are a variety of ways, but here are five quick ones for you to do further research on:

  • Competitive business research
  • Customer acquisition
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Automated conversation
  • Monitoring and optimization

AI Helps Save More Time

Artificial intelligence algorithms will take a lot of jobs out of the market place because they can do what a human can do in fractions of seconds. For example, a research analyst may take a week to do an in-depth analysis report on the current competition. He or she would have to sit on the computer compiling, organizing, and later dissecting the information. He or she would then take a few days to create a professional presentation to give to the business panelists. Give this same task to an AI, and it can have the same, and often better presentation within minutes or hours. AI is also used to acquire customers by testing multiple advertisements and optimizing them in real time. Having an AI on your business team is a huge advantage if you can give it the exact commands needed.

AI Helps Navigate through Big Data Easily

An AI algorithm also has the ability to browse through previous big data to make connections that a human mind can easily miss. This is extremely helpful for large businesses that have been in business for decades and have so much data that it would take a team of people multiple decades to sift through. Feed this data into an AI algorithm and it can tell you exactly what has happened, and how the data can be used to grow the business or change something that is affecting the business in a negative way. An AI can also automate certain things for you and can become an assistant just like has become an AI assistant whose sole purpose is to schedule meetings and converse with your clients as soon as you CC "her" in the email.


In conclusion in this article we discussed the topic of artificial intelligence and how it has already affected the business sector, and how it will continue to do so. These algorithms will only get better and more efficient, and already do so as they learn faster and faster every time. Businesses need to stay up-to-date on these artificial intelligence technologies if they want to compete with bigger businesses who have the budget to test and optimize the best AI fleet on the market.

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