How to use Facebook advertising to generate leads and sales for small local business

How to Use Facebook Advertising to Generate Leads & Sales for Small Local Businesses [Infographic]

Small businesses work with small budgets. So if they're advertising on Facebook, it's essential that they know how to get the most out of the platform. This infographic will give a quick break down of how to approach Facebook advertising to help small business owners create a winning campaign.

Start Out with Proper Facebook Targeting

Small businesses that already have an email list or Facebook business page can utilize these assets to target their existing audience to launch a campaign. However, many small businesses are starting out with cold traffic. The first step is to make sure you target the right audience to get the campaign going in the right direction. You will want to research many different elements of the audience as possible.

Create an Attractive Offer

While it's possible to build a campaign through a regular selling process, the right offer will give your ad a greater chance to succeed. For instance, more people will take you up on a free consultation or trial offer than a regular offer. There are many different types of offers that you can build around your campaign. Put some thought into what would work best for your product or service.

Crafting the Facebook Ad

There are many elements that make up a winning ad, so it's important that you use as many of them as possible. You want to start out your ad with an attention-grabbing title. Some ideas for doing so include targeting pain points, surprising the user (facts, stories, teasers), and stating clear benefits. Other elements that further enhance the performance of your ad is explained in the infographic.

Choosing the Right Ad Formats

The right format really depends on the offer and type of product or service you are selling. Choose from video, images, and carousel based on how you want to position your ad and which format you think is right for your business. Follow the infographic guidelines on how to make the most out of these formats.

Enhancing Your Ad Copy

If you think that your ad copy isn't compelling enough or your initial ad isn't performing, look to inject more emotion and stronger words in your ad. Power words like how to, free, you, because, secret, now, new, and instantly all add more emotion to your ad copy. There are other power words that can help but the idea is to really pack a punch (without being full of hype) in the small amount of space you have.

Choose the Right Campaign Objective

What is the goal of your ad? For most small businesses, it will either be to generate leads and sales. That correlates to sending people to your website or focusing on conversions. As you get more familiar with Facebook, you'll start to develop other goals like promoting your page, boosting your posts, and promoting your offer.

Get Savvy with the Facebook Ad Tools

A big part of making your campaign successful is becoming familiar with the Facebook tools. Start with the knowledge graph to find the favorite pages and interests of your target audience. Then go to audience insights to get more in-depth information about your audience. The power editor is a powerful too that has since been combined with ads manager. Study the tutorial and guides for these three tools to get as much value out of them as possible.

How to Use Facebook Advertising to Generate Leads & Sales for Small Local Businesses
Infographic courtesy of Ice Cube Marketing.

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