A Definitive Guide to Common SEO Mistakes

A Definitive Guide to Common SEO Mistakes [Infographic]

Getting your SEO strategy right is important if you want to improve your site’s visibility in the online world. It is only through proper SEO that you can achieve positive results such as a higher ranking, increase traffic and CTRs. Thus, if you have just launched a new website then here is a list of common SEO mistakes that you need to avoid at all cost.

What Do I Mean by SEO Mistakes?

Simply put, SEO mistakes involve on-page and off-page SEO practices and tactics that are either redundant or have been marked as Black hat SEO techniques such as link farming, over-optimization of keywords, duplicate content among others. These mistakes if not rectified can lead to penalties from Google, which, in turn, can adversely affect your site’s credibility, ranking as well as traffic.

The below-mentioned infographic comprises of 25+ SEO mistakes that you need to steer clear from. Plus, it provides you with effective solutions on how to fix these common mistakes if you have already committed them.

Some of the common SEO mistakes that you might have unintentionally commit are:

1. Not having a mobile-friendly (Responsive) website.
2. Not checking your site’s compatibility with various browsing platforms such as Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Bing etc.
3. Not implementing LSI keywords, which results in keyword stuffing.
4. Having multiple broken links on the website, which leads to poor user experience.
5. Having too many low authority Outbound links on your site.
6. Publishing poor quality content that doesn’t provide any benefits to the reader.
7. Poor website speed and download time, which results in a higher bounce rate.

All these silly SEO mistakes can hamper your site’s growth and affect your ROI. Hence, take a look at the infographic below and make sure to rectify these SEO mistakes immediately.

SEO Mistakes Infographic

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